Re-Meeting Jesus: Day 12/Mark 12

Widows Mite

What Disturbs Me about Jesus Today:

  • I have always loved the story of the Widow placing her two small coins in the offering.  I loved how Jesus honored her generosity and willingness to give all that she had. But this morning this passage disturbed me. I don’t really know what to do with it. Jesus seems to dismiss the gift of the wealthy because they give from their surplus and esteems the gift of the widow because she gives all that she has. I’m disturbed. I don’t know what to do with this? I give from my surplus. I don’t give all that I have. Of course, my temptation is to seek some balance here – to quote some proverbs about debt, to note that Zacchaeus only offered half of his possessions, that surely God does not want me to be stupid. But, I fear if I go too quickly to my rationalization I might miss something. Jesus, speak to me.

 What Delights Me about Jesus Today:

  • It delights me that Jesus is so wise with his stories and answers and teachings. But I felt sad as I read most of this chapter. I felt the sadness of Jesus as he tells this story of the Father sending one servant after another to collect what was rightly his from those he had entrusted his vineyard. I felt the sadness of Jesus as he forecasts his impending death at the hands of those who are supposed to be anticipating him, receiving him, delighting in him. I felt the sadness of Jesus as he answers the questions of these religious leaders knowing that they are not seeing him – the Christ, the Messiah, the Lord of David, and the Savior who is right before them.  He says, “Is this not the reason that you are mistaken, that you do not understand the Scriptures or the power of God?” Oh my. Lord, help me not to miss you in the Bible, help me not to reduce you or use you or mold you into the image of the god I want rather than the God who is. Jesus, I do not want to miss your power. Show me your power.
  • It does delight me that Jesus amazes them and that the crowd enjoyed listening to him. I wish I could have been in that crowd. I think.
  • I love that Jesus’ teaching penetrates the heart of the Scribe in verses 32-34 and gives him hope.
  • I love that Jesus points the religious leaders to loving God and loving others. “There is no other commandment greater than these.” Amen.

 Questions for Jesus Today:

  • How can I hear your voice and how you want me to give? Am I hoarding too much in the name of savings?
  • Why didn’t you MAKE them understand you, recognize you, honor you?
  • Why this way? Why the death of a son?
  • What happened to the widow after she gave all she had?